Create Your Own Profitable Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaigns To Get More Coaching Clients Fast!
Let Me Show You Exactly How To Amplify Your Results From Social Media

WAS $197


Love To Stop Wondering What To Post On Instagram Every Morning?

Becoming one of the most talked-about life coaches isn't a matter of having the most paying clients, being likeable or actually even being the "best" coach.

It's about being

And sure, if you’ve made a few million in sales, you’ll get noticed faster and talked about more often 😉

But have you ever stopped to think how the coaches who are making that kind of revenue got traction in the first place?

Especially the coaches who seem to come out of nowhere having had less time coaching (and less years in life experience) than you?

Regardless of what price they charge, or whether they offer groups, courses or one-on-one sessions, they’ve all got one thing in common.

And it's likely if you haven't got a fraction of that kind of traction yet, you haven't figured this part out.

So, what is it?


Attention of the people most likely to need (and buy) what their coaching offers.

The coaches getting talked about command attention that gets them high-paying coaching clients - again and again.

It sounds simple, but EARNING attention requires connection, trust and credibility, and that normally takes a REALLY long time.

And unless you have a way to fast-track that, you're going to struggle to get noticed on social media.

I mean sure, you could get featured on a huge podcast and bring in 6-figures from one great episode (trust me, it happened ONCE to me, which was pretty cool)…

Or you could get one of your social media posts shared by a Kardashian (I think that's how Mastin Kipp got discovered)...

But you'd need those kind of flukes to happen again and again to keep that attention to keep the money-rolling in.

And that’s likely something you’d find tough to make work.

So, if such rare opportunities haven't landed in your lap yet, don't worry.

There's another way to become HIGHLY-DISCOVERABLE without waiting years to be the IT COACH on social media.

That's right, there’s no need to wait that long to get chosen, or get recommended by some big million dollar coach…

Instead, you get to decide when and where you get seen and noticed by your perfect clients by taking ultimate control of their attention on social media - using TRAFFIC JUMPSTART to create and run your own targeted Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaigns.

Just like all the big coaches do, you'll laser-target your best audience and inspire them to become paying clients...

All while growing a huge following who REALLY CARE about your coaching AND build yourself a hugely profitable email list at the same time!

And when you take control of making the kind of “can’t-say-no offers” to your most high-potential audience 24/7, you quickly start getting seen, noticed AND DISCOVERED.

No matter what your experience or connections (or who your coach is).

Now, let me show you how to do it.

Day in, day out.

And map out how you can earn more as a life coach NOW, without needing to wait years to build a rockstar reputation or wait for some unlikely opportunity to come your way.

Because what I know for sure after working behind the scenes helping several million dollar coaches with their marketing is:

Getting and keeping attention online is easy when you have the kind of "set and forget" Facebook ad campaigns I teach you exactly how to set up for yourself in TRAFFIC JUMPSTART.

My proven ads method works for ANY coach no matter who you help or what you charge...

And the good news this is a repeatable process you have complete control over (unlike that guest interview on the huge podcast - although this kind of attention could definitely lead to that).

Does this sound like you?
You've struggled with the idea that you have to be a big deal on Instagram but you don't have much interaction happening on any of your accounts.
When it comes to building an audience online, you might have a sneaky suspicion that everyone else seems to have the code to social media success except YOU!
When all is said and done, you just want to have way to share your coaching with those who need your help most AND have a cost-effective way to make offers that people happily buy.
Does this sound familiar?
Chances are you've struggled with the idea that you have to be a big deal on Instagram (which does nothing to help you actually get more followers).
When it comes to building an audience online, you might even have a sneaky suspicion that everyone else seems to have the code to social media success except YOU!
When all is said and done, you just want to have way to share your coaching with those who need your help most AND have a way to help them shift their biggest challenges.


Building A Profile As A Life Coach, Therapist or Healer Online Can Take A Ton Of Time Or Money - OR BOTH...

And you may be frustrated by the fact that every other coach seems to be running Facebook ads, but you're not sure where to start, and you're worried it will be another expensive marketing fail..

So you're left wondering:

  • How can I reliably get more coaching leads online if I don't have a big audience yet and nobody beyond my clients, biz buddies and friends and family knows what I do?
  • How can I consistently show up and share my best stuff when it feels like nobody is listening?
  • Will I ever have a way to spend less time getting my message out there, and if it does work, will it keep working?

And if you've been thinking that you have to be a well-known coach to make any real money"... or "if you don't have a huge email list, running ads will cost a fortune"... or "it seems like the coaches who spend big on ads have already made it".

I'm here to share some surprising news with you about creating your own Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns - no matter what level you're at.

I Want To Help You Shortcut Your Success On Social Media By Showing You A Way To Create Your Own Facebook & Instagram Ads So You Can Get Seen, Heard & Paid Without Needing To Spend A Ton On Agencies Or Consultants...


Needing to come up with new and witty social media posts every day (even though nobody ever seems to comment on them).



Create a couple of posts following a proven and easy-to-learn formula and turn them into highly-effective ads on Facebook and Instagram that quickly turn targeted leads into high-paying clients - again and again.


Thinking you'll never be able to grow your business using social media unless you join that $10K marketing program.



Empowering yourself to use the best marketing tool for business in the world that gives you access to clients on-demand and becomes a skill you can use again and again. 


Thinking nobody on social media wants to buy coaching (especially from you)...



Run the kind of ads that get low-cost leads so you can build up a loyal audience of amazing people you know you can help - and that you love making offers to!



TRAFFIC JUMPSTART - The Key To Creating Your Own Profitable Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaigns From Scratch

A step-by-step on-demand online course makes it easy for you to create and take control of reliably generating great leads on social media day in and day out without the wasted money and confusion without having any experience with ads whatsoever.

"I have a calendar full of calls next week! "

The more I increase the ads budget, the more calls are coming through...and the more clients are saying YES! A client that signed up today paid in full too - YAY! It's really working, thanks Vic.



Let Me Take You By The Hand And Make It Easy For You To…
  • Earn more as a life coach and do the great work you're born to do without all the second-guessing and costly missteps.
  • Show up on social media constantly and get in front of the best potential clients without having to keep posting (especially when you don't feel like it).
  • Have the shortcut you need to eliminate years of work and struggling with worry trying to create your own ads from scratch.
  • Quickly create your own ads based on proven frameworks, prompts and swipes as easily as pushing a few buttons.
  • Finally, have a path to success on Facebook & Instagram without all the overwhelm and doubt about whether it will work.
  • Create And Take Control Of Reliably Generating Great Leads On Social Media Day In And Day Out Without The Wasted Money And Confusion
  • Do It All Without Having Any Experience With Ads Whatsoever
  • ... and Much, MUCH More!
This Is The Best Way To Find More Dream Coaching Clients in 30 Days Or Less Without Having To Show Up Every Day On Social Media Or Pay Costly Ad Managers

Here’s just a taste of what you get when you join Traffic Jumpstart TODAY:

  • Discover how to create the right account settings to make the most of advanced features and ensure your account stays in good favour. 
  • Avoid the costly mistakes many coaches make in setting up their ads (especially boosting posts) and avoid getting ad account disapprovals.
  • Watch along as I explain the most-effective (and easiest to create with what you already have) audience-building ad to start with as a coach. 
  • You can also access the 15-page guide with screenshots and images if you prefer to print out and follow along.
  • Understand exactly how to create great images or videos yourself that won't cost you a cent!
  • Why you don't need to have professional images (I have some hacks to use instead), and you don't even need to feature in any images if you choose.
  • Easily run ads that get clicks for next to nothing from targeted leads, even if you're starting from scratch.
  • This is where most coaches go wrong, but I'll give you what you need to find our audience based on what's available now.
  • Reveals the answer everyone wants to know for “How can I connect with my audience and share the kind of value that makes it a no-brainer for them to choose to become my clients?”.
  • I'll also show you the key numbers you need to measure and how to track your campaigns so you can quickly get them to "set and forget" status.


The Ultimate Ad Creation Guide With Messaging Strategy & Prompts ($197 Value)

This guided Facebook and Instagram ad creation workbook makes it simple for you to apply proven messaging and creative strategies that work to connect and convert with your ideal potential clients. 

You get all the prompts plus real-life examples I've pulled from my best campaigns so you only have to make a few tweaks to get moving.

Once you move through this workbook you will have all your messaging, ad copy and headline hooks in one place, so you can start testing and knowing what to say and share in your ads to make them work straight out of the gate.

Simple Lead Ads Workshop ($97 Value)

This bonus workshop tutorial is your solution to understand how to start capturing email subscribers without any need for a complex funnel or expensive software - in fact you don't need ANY software to start with these ads except your Facebook ads account). 

This means you can focus on selling your offers rather than struggling with creating complex funnels.

In this 45-min video training I step you through exactly how to make these work and how you can best apply them to your audience.

Quiz Ads For Coaches Masterclass ($97 Value)

This bonus class holds the secret for you to learn the power of running ads to a quiz for low cost and plentiful targeted leads. Get the insider hacks and secrets you need to succeed fast with your quiz. Build a targeted email list without having to become an ads nerd in the process.

Total Value: $1,467
But today, you're getting all of this... FOR ONLY: $47
ONLY $47
ONLY $47



This on-demand course shows you how to set up your own profitable Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns and paves the way for you to make great money through your coaching business long term... it will help you create and take control of reliably generating great leads without the overwhelm and confusion.


Don't Just Take My Word For It...
"If you want to supercharge your traffic with Facebook Ads, talk to Victoria Gibson!"



"Peeps absolutely loved your Facebook Ads session!"



"I'd recommend Victoria's Facebook Ads skills to anyone"




Hi, I'm Victoria...

I'm a dedicated extrovert from Australia who helps coaches grow their business on social media by creating and sharing offers they love that align with exactly how they want to show up AND make them more money too - pretty cool, hey?

I have been teaching coaches how to create and run their own profitable Facebook Ad campaigns since 2011.

Over that time, I have also run MILLIONS of dollars in ad spend for my own offers and the offers of some of the industry's biggest stars.

I haven't stopped running ad campaigns on Facebook & Instagram campaigns, because I firmly believe it is the path to thrive as a highly-paid coach.

I know what is working right now and want to bring the best of my long-time experience to help you make the most of this amazing opportunity.

My superpower is helping you elevate yourself above the noise and step into your true possibility - so you can create and live the life you really want.... and have fun while you do it! 

This is the 6th Facebook Ads training course I've created and I think it's the simplest and the best value. Come & join me before the timer at the bottom of this page disappears.
Is Traffic Jumpstart for You?
Yes! If You Are A Coach Who's Ready To Feel Confident Running Your Own Profitable Ad Campaigns On Facebook & Instagram Spending As Little As $15 A Day (Even If You Don't Think Ads Could Work For You).

Look at all the leading coaches online, 99% of them use Facebook Ads to create million dollar businesses - and you can too for a fraction of what you think it will cost!

Face it. Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's "been there and done that" when it comes to creating Facebook Ads that work.

I've been running highly profitable ad campaigns using my own proven methods since 2011, having helped generate millions in revenue for myself and my clients in that time.

Make great money through your coaching business, get more leads, rise above all the online noise, and live the dream life of a successful coach ...

Its time to take back control of social media so you can stop waiting for the algorithm to do it's thing and instead fast-track the attention you deserve!

Is Traffic Jumpstart Ads Course for You?
Yes! If You Are A Coach Who's Ready To Feel Confident Running Your Own Profitable Ad Campaigns On Social Media.
Let's face it, most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's "been there and done that" when it comes to creating Facebook Ads that work.
Make great money through your coaching business, get more leads, rise above all the online noise, and live the dream life of a successful coach ...

Creating Your Own Profitable Facebook & Instagram Ads Is The Best Way Forward  

If you want to create and manage your own social ad campaigns without losing money and automate 91% of your social media so you can focus on serving your clients AS WELL AS create custom marketing messages tailored to your ideal clients that actually get seen... then Traffic Jumpstart is definitely for you!

Still Got Questions?

Have a different question? Use the chat box in the bottom right-hand corner to talk to our team!

$47 USD
$47 USD
"Thank you for your Facebook Ads Bonus for Profit Lab - I love it!"